What are the exciting facts about psyllium husk?

Humans are fond of organic products that have various health benefits. Since the ancient period, humans are producing multiple agricultural products that have huge health benefits. Psyllium husk is one of that type of organic product, which is an excellent source of natural fiber. Psyllium husk is mainly useful for making dietary supplements for constipation and diarrhea. In the present day, people are using psyllium husk as a unique source of natural fiber.

What is psyllium husk?

Psyllium husk is the oldest ayurvedic medical property that has various health benefits. This ancient ayurvedic is now a clinically proven medical property useful for modern medical science. Psyllium husk is adequate for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Each psyllium plant produces 15,000 tiny seeds. Psyllium husk is a natural fiber that comes from the husks of the psyllium plant. The husk is ground into powder to make a rich source of soluble fiber.

Benefits of psyllium husk

1. Reduce constipation- If you frequently experience constipation problems, you can mix psyllium husk powder with lukewarm water and consume it daily in the early morning. It can soften the stool.

2. Maintain the insulin level- If you are fond of carbohydrates eating like bread and pasta, it may increase the insulin level of the blood. But psyllium husk can trap some sugar and carbohydrates and maintain the blood insulin level.

3. Lower the cholesterol level- Psylliumhusk is essential for reducing the bad cholesterol and improve the good cholesterol level. Thus it improves heart health.

4. Promote weight loss- Psylliumhusk fiber can fulfill your hunger and make you feel less hungry. Thus it promotes weight loss.

5. Fulfill daily fiber requirement- Each teaspoon of psyllium husk is equivalent to 200g of steamed broccoli.

Dosage of psyllium husk

There are no hard and fast rules about the daily consumption requirement of psyllium husk. Nearly 3.5-5g of psyllium husk should be mixed with 250-500ml water, and consume this mixture two times a day before the meals. Do not consume psyllium husk without water. If you want to increase the psyllium husk consumption, you should increase the water quantity. The beginners should consume 3.5g psyllium husk per day for the first week, and they can increase the dosage from the following week.

The adverse effects of psyllium husk

The husk that is produced from the psyllium seed is an excellent source of natural digestive fiber useful for maintaining bowel movement. But it has various adverse effects too.

1. Overconsumption of psyllium husk may increase digestive problems and skin dryness.

2. Frequent stomach pain and vomiting tendency may increase

3. It can increase the dry throat problem

4. It may increase the asthma symptoms

5. The dust that is derived from the processing of psyllium husk may create skin allergy in many cases.

Commercial use of psyllium husk

Psyllium husk was first commercially used by Procter & Gamble in 1985. the flavored version of psyllium husk was introduced in the market in 1979. At that time, they use the TV and magazine for marketing this unique product that was available in the food outlets and drug stores. The brand sold psyllium husk as powdered drink mix or as capsules form in various flavors. At that time, they hosted various campaigns for promoting the psyllium husk.

But you should consult with the doctor before consuming psyllium husk supplement. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using this product for their health benefits.


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