A couple of great protein powders

Quinoa is a grain with excellent culinary versatility and rich protein content. The fact is that Quinoa isn’t a grain and is instead a seed associated with the spinach family.

Many people today prefer low-carb foods. Quinoa is becoming increasingly popular with its low carbohydrate content.

Quinoa – Some facts

The low carb content of Quinoa makes it the right food for people afflicted with blood sugar imbalances, including insulin resistance and low and high blood sugar. Moreover, the low carb content makes it ideal for people observing an Anti-Candida diet. Furthermore, it plays the role of a prebiotic for the gut and lessens the likelihood of growth of Candida yeast and fungus.

There is more. It’s gluten-free and is thus the right food for people with Celiac disease and gluten-sensitive people.

Quinoa is rich in protein and has all nine essential amino acids.

Quinoa is also rich in magnesium. This mineral supports bowel elimination and relaxation of the muscles.

Moreover, it is rich in fiber. Fiber cleans the colon and lessens cholesterol levels, and thus helps with Atherosclerosis.

It's richer in some minerals, including phosphorous, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iron, and potassium, compared to barley, wheat, and corn.

Quinoa's rich calcium content makes it an excellent add-on for a dairy-restricted diet.

Quinoa – How to use it

People are advised to soak Quinoa for 8 hours ahead of cooking. Why? Soaking gets rid of the phytic acid present in the seed binding minerals. They should then cook it in water for some 15 minutes.

Any cooked quinoa that remains behind is good to store in a fridge. People can add it soups, salads, and stir fries. People can warm up cooked Quinoa with raw nuts, cinnamon, berries, and seeds for a nutritious, yummy breakfast.

A great plant protein supplement for athletes

Iron vegan sprouted protein has unprocessed, plant-based protein whose source is amaranth, brown rice, millet, pumpkin seeds, and quinoa. Archetypal vegan proteins tend to leave a grainy tang in the mouth. This iron vegan protein formula mixes fast and leaves a suave and soft texture in the mouth. This protein supplement

· Helps people go longer

· Helps people develop lean muscle

· Promotes recovery

A great protein supplement to develop muscles

An excellent whey protein for building muscles is the new zealand whey protein series from KAHA Nutrition. The body absorbs this blend of quick release and slower release protein for two hours.

A great place to buy KAHA Nutrition products is Vitasave. This natural health online store offers attractive discounts.


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