Some key facts about Calcium supplementation
Calcium is a vital nutrient for healthy, strong bones and teeth. People may indeed get the required calcium from their diet. However, a few individuals require further assistance from a calcium supplement. Factors including diet, age, and basic medical conditions can influence the amount of calcium the body absorbs. Calcium supplement – Who needs one? Numerous people get sufficient calcium from a well-balanced diet. Nevertheless, the “ODS” states that definite groups could be at greater risk of calcium insufficiency. They include: Individuals with sporadic or no periods: Individuals who don’t have a standard menstrual cycle could have lesser estrogen levels. Sportspersons or individuals suffering from eating disorders can occasionally have irregular cycles. Postmenopausal females: Drops in estrogen can lessen calcium absorption and boost the possibility of osteoporosis. The intake of calcium supplements could slow the bone density loss rate in postmenopausal ladies. People w...